Bushmen practising hunting skills
Bushmen woman smoking the pipe
Bushmen playing traditional game, the men
Bushmen playing traditional game, the women
Bushmen making rope
Brothers in Katutura
Another day at school in Omishe
Otjiwarongo children watching a video of themselves
Extended family member in Omishe
Girl with a dish of mahangu for her brothers and sisters
Silk factory in Leonardsville I
Silk factory in leonardsville II
Boy with balloon in Katutura
Guard at the Zambian border
Collecting firewood out of Blikkiedorp
Weaving baskets in Omishe
Catching sheep by horse in Leonardsville
Taking Tuberculosis medications in Katutura
Visiting a Tuberculosis Dotpoint in Katutura
Mother and daughter in Blikkiedorp
Catching rare raindrops in Omishe